Friday, March 16, 2007

Why does man try to harness Gods power?

Why does man try to play God? I am Christian, I also believe, despite the teachings of the church at current time, that homosexuality is something a person is born into. Therefor, I do not believe it to be sinful behaviour. I know that many people disagree with me and I am ok with that. It took me along time, and several years away from the Church for me to realize that the Church is made from man, not God, and therefor is fallible. Don't get me wrong, I read my Bible, but I am mostly interested in the big things, that is God is almighty, Jesus is the Saviour. These are the things that I am unwaivering in. But when I see the above article I am just reminded of how fallible man is and I am angered by all the violence and hate perpetuated in His name. This pastor conceeds that their may very well be a cause of homosexuality and that it is not a lifestyle choice that can be "prayed away". You know what frosts my cookies? Does he say, maybe we have been wrong in teaching that these people have been engaging in sin and that they will know eternal hellfire for their actions? Maybe as humans we should finally realize that it is NOT our place to condemn people, that only God has the right to do that?

No, he suggests hormonal manipulation of the fetus to solve the gay problem. Come on. God created all things, and if gay is just another form of human sexuality, than God created that too. Who are we to tinker with His plan? Oh yeah, apparantly we are God too. Why not? We use science to deviate from his plan all the time in reproduction. Many states mandate Down Syndrome testing for every single pregnant woman, and doctors advise abortion based on the outcomes of these tests. Because a child who is not "perfect" in our society can apparantly be discarded like last weeks trash in many peoples eyes. I have been blessed once with a healthy baby, and next month I hope to be blessed with another. But if something does go amiss, I know that it is the Lords plan for my child. I know as a Christian that it is my job to find the beauty in that situation, to open my eyes to the things I would have missed.

Ok, end of Rant



jmKelley said...

Most fundamentalists still insist that gay people "choose" to be gay, though most medical researchers believe that sexual orientation is given at birth for most people. To acknowledge that God does create some people as gay (as God created some left-handed) would be to admit that their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible is wrong.

In the face of growing medical evidence that sexual orientation is given at birth, some fundamentalists are preparing a way to still justify their prejudice against gays-- by claiming it's a treatable disease.

Here's a link to an excellent essay by a Baptist minister who had a change of heart on this issue:

Father Mychal Judge, the NY fire chaplain who died on 9/11, was openly gay. His whole life was an imitation of Christ and he was seen by many as a living saint. Fr. Mychal famously asked, "Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?!"

mommy of a full house said...

My cousin is Gay and I remember when we were little him wanting to wear my grandmas high heels & nightgowns. If changed that he might not be the cousin I love today. You know what I love him all the same .I say be who your meant to be ignore everyone else's thoughts. After all part of society thinks we are all weird homebirthing , cding, bfing hippie chicks. LOL