Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why do they always go straight for the co-sleeping.

Ugggggg I just read this article where a 19 day old baby died. She was found in her parents bed so of course who does the newspaper rip a new butthole? The parents. Autopsy has confirmed the baby died of SIDS and not smothering as was being suggested by the paper. Did the paper offer an apology? Nope. What asshats. We co-sleep. Rosalynn still co-sleeps. Well she has a bed of her own, but it is right against ours and she comes and goes as she pleases. A little over a year ago it saved her life. She had a UTI that I brought her to the doctor for twice and they told me it was a stomach bug and she was fine. Her fever was 103, and she was almost a year old. The doc told me not to worry until it hit 105. Well sometime in the middle of the night it spiked and she seized. I woke up to a baby with blue lips, fixed eyes, who was unresponsive. I woke because she was against my body, because I thought she was trying to nurse and when she wasn't latched on I knew something was wrong and turned on the lights. We called 911 and I sat there watching her, she was still breathing so I stripped her naked and just watched her, holding her. The base fire department gave her oxygen and 35 minutes later the paramedics finally showed up. By then the fever had broken (children often seize when high fevers break) and she was pinked up from the oxygen. I really don't want to think what could have happened if she was even in a crib on the other side of the room. Humans have the most vulnerable offspring of any species at birth. Babies are helpless. Why do we keep trying to justify putting them away in little cages at night? People don't understand. They equate the bed with sex and just can't think that sharing your bed with your children cannot be sinister. It is sad really.

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