Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why are we afraid to touch? has a cartoon with a mom "wearing" her newborn in one of those baby bucket carseats strapped to her body, the other mom is slinging her baby. For those of you don't know, Josh and I are slingers. At two years old Rosalynn is still worn in a wrap by both her father and myself. I don't understand why people feel the need to have their baby wrapped in plastic 24/7 from the time they are born. Put them in the bassinet, the carseat, the swing, the bouncer. All these replacements for the loving arms of a parent. Now I am not against carseats. I have a baby bucket that I plan on using with the new baby until it outgrows it (Rozzie was too big at 4 months). But I don't carry my kid around in it everywhere. For one, it is heavy beyond belief and an ergonomonic nightmare. For two, seeing them teetering on top of shopping carts always terrifies me. For three it is so easy to breastfeed in a sling. By the time Rozzie was two months old she could latch herself on. So today I will be sewing my new sling for the new baby. That way we have one for each kid. I just don't understand why so many people are afraid to touch their babies. Babies that you have carried in nourished inside your body for 10 months. It won't spoil them, it doesn't make them clingy or dependent. Trust me, or better yet watch Rozzie for a few hours and see for yourself.

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